Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Spring is here and we will be planting in our garden! We will learn about the plant life cycle in class. Each student will grow their own grass and in a few weeks were getting our butterflies!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dear Parents,

Monday was the start of passover! In class we will watch the Rugrats episode of Passover to enlighten the children on the various holidays going on in the world. This is an easy way for them to see and it is age level appropriate. For snack we will try motza. Free free to have the kids bring in anything for show and tell that will help broaden the spectrum even more :)

Thank you,

Miss Ronan


Dear Parents,

We will be dying Easter in eggs in class on Friday! We have smocks in class that the kids always wear, but we usually work with WASHABLE markers, paints, etc. The dye is permanent... so please do no dress in the best Easter outfit on Friday. The eggs will be sent home the same day so everyone has them for Easter. Happy Holidays!

Miss Ronan

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dear Parents,

We have our field trip to the ice cream store on Tuesday! Make sure the students wear their yellow school tee shirt. AM and PM session will all go together so remember the time adjustment. All pre-schoolers are to arrive at 10am. We will be leaving between 10:15am and 10:30am. Thank you. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Miss Ronan :)

spring break

Good morning!
Hope everyone has enjoyed their week off :) We are back to school tomorrow and back in action. It has been lovely out so pack a light jacket for when we go out in the tot-lot. I'm sure the kids can not wait to play on their playground after all that rain we had in school. We will also do show and tell on Monday. Have the kids bring in something that they did over break. Can't wait to see everyone's smiling faces!

Miss Ronan

Monday, March 8, 2010


Dear parents,
This week we are taking our field trip to the dentist! Students will get the experience of sitting in the chair and seeing what the dentist is all about. We want to let the children experience these things early so they are not afraid and learn to love the dentist! If you have any questions feels free to ask. Have a wonderful week.

Miss Ronan :)